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Peter Reinhold Grundemann, founder of Brandenburg Missionary Conference, was born at Bärwalde, near Berlin.

A prolific writer on missions, Grundemann's best-known publication was Allgemeiner Missionsatlas (General Missions Atlas).  Grundemann pastored at Mörz from 1869 to 1913. He founded the Brandenburg mission conference in 1879.

Grundemann studied theology in Tübingen, Halle and Berlin. He worked as a pastor from 1861 to 1865, but then resigned from the ministry to study the missionary issues in England, North America and Holland especially from their geographical side.

He published a Mission World Map published in 1862 and later his General Missionary Atlas. Since 1869 pastor to Mörz bei Belzig, Grundemann wrote a biography of the missionary Johann Friedrich Riedel, a reworking of Burkhardt's small mission library, the development of the evangelical mission, missionary studies and criticisms in connection with a trip to India and sections on Asia and America in Gustav Warneck's missionary lessons .
