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Finely engraved map of the southern part of the Duchy of Milan and contiguous regions, published in Venice by Bertelli.

The map is centered on the upper Po River and it sources, extending east to the Parma area.  The map depicts Piedmont, Liguria and the southern part of the Duchy and was apparently intended as the southern sheet of a two-sheet map of the region.  However, the northern sheet was apparently never printed and therefore no copy is known.

Bertelli's map follows an earlier map by Giovanni Giorgio Settala published by Hieronimus Cock in Antwerp in 1560, entitled Elaboratissima Mediolanensis Ducatus vicinorumq[ue] locorum topographia:  The original Settala/Cock map survives in a single example held in the British Museum.

Many ships, a compass and the beautiful central cartouche bearing the title enrich the lower part of the map. In the cartouche following the title it is reportedly reduced to perfection in Venetia by Ferrando Bertelli In M.D.LXVII 


The map is rare on the market.  This is the first example we have offered for sale.

Bifolco-Ronca, #940.